Most watched sports competition

 The Tour de France

Broadcast by more than 80 channels in nearly 190 countries, the Tour de France attracts around one billion viewers each year (3.5 billion according to the organizer). Speaking as well to the young student on summer vacation as to the grandmother knitting quietly in her living room, it is today one of the most watched sports competitions in the world, and this for many years . 

 The Super Bowl.
In 2014, the American channel Fox broke its audience record reaching a total of 115.3 million US viewers during the Super Bowl (final of the championship football). If we count the rest of the world, nearly 500 million people gather to attend one of the biggest shows of the year. And if sport is important, the commercial aspect takes on a whole new dimension with advertising spots that cost $ 4 million for 30 seconds this year, or $ 130,000 the second! rediscover the hexagon every year!
The Champions League final
When we talk about the Champions League (also known as the Champions League), we necessarily think of its resounding anthem before each match begins. But the Champions League is also synonymous with prestige. Gathering the largest European clubs, it is the annual sporting event that brings together the most viewers in the world. As for the final, it brings together about 150 million people in front of their TV.
 The Monaco Grand Prix
In 10 years, the revenues of the Formula 1 stables have more than doubled. And this is not only due to the victories and the podiums of the drivers on the circuit. Indeed, we must also take into account the success of television broadcasting. Formula 1 brings together nearly 450 million viewers worldwide each year, and 25 million just for the Monaco Grand Prix, making it the most famous and most popular grand prix in the world.


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